Wednesday, June 8, 2011

No!That's Not a Blog in My Pocket and Yes! I am Happy to See You

There comes a time in every blogger's life when they realize, wow- you suck at keeping up your blog. I have come to that point and can't believe what an incredibly lazy blogger I have been. Ugh. I don't even have a good excuse but I do however have plenty of pictures so please do enjoy...

Mancora April 2011. I had the chance to spend what felt a lot like Spring Break but was really a Peruvian Holiday weekend- I believe they call it Easter weekend- in Mancora Peru. A touristy beach town on the Northern Coast that has a ton of shops, delicious foods and plenty of sun. Volunteers from all over Peru came and it was such a fun and unforgettable weekend.

PROPRE Training 2011. We recently had an HIV/Aids training for the 5 schools my site partner, Alyse and I work with. It was a two day training where we gave kids the tools so they can be educators and leaders at their schools. Jonathan, a volunteer from Piura came to give us a hand and was a great help.


My friends Ashley and Jaime from Orlando were so kind to send me a box full of goodies including sidewalk chalk. On a breezy Sunday afternoon I brought out the chalk and let the kids color the town. Literally :)


May 13 2011. I took a plane back to the U.S. of A. and went to my sister's wedding. It was a beautiful and wonderful experience <3 She is absolutely beautiful and here are a few candid shots of her.

Guyaquil Ecuador 2011.

I work hard for the money. Shots of me getting things done.

Teaching a class on nutrition with a group of mothers in my community

 My site partner Alyse.We work together :)

 Eslhy is my community partner. She helps me get all of my projects off the ground.
        We had a training in Chiclayo and it was so much fun seeing my fellow volunteers.

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